Step into the cold and foggy embrace of Ashford City, a labyrinthine metropolis cloaked in perpetual fog. Towering skyscrapers and decrepit buildings before the collapse loom ominously, their twisted silhouettes obscured by the dense mist. In this eerie realm, time seems to stand still, and the boundaries between reality and nightmare blur. Those who venture into its labyrinthine streets find themselves ensnared in its grasp, unable to navigate the endless maze or escape its suffocating embrace. Within the enigmatic veil of fog lies a city where the line between good and evil fades, and the only certainty is uncertainty. Welcome to Ashford City, where the fog holds secrets and escape is but a distant dream.
Exterior Evils started in June of 2023, so a little under a year ago as of posting this. I worked on it on and off to get better practice at modeling buildings and other hard surface models. It wasn't until March 2024 that things started making sense. I gained a lot of experience and confidence and I am glad I am able to share it :)
The scenes are pretty straightforward. Using real-world buildings I found rummaging online, I translated them to the scenes in blender, giving them movement so they could fit the mood of the short film. Lighting and textures further enhanced the scenes and truly brought everything together
blocking out was something so foreign to me at the time of creating this project and now is an essential part of my workflow! Above is a before and after.
Check out my Instagram and Twitter for more!! 
Exterior Evils

Exterior Evils
